Dr. David Haddad may recommend bone grafting if your supporting bone has deteriorated due to missing teeth, gum disease or other factors. This surgical procedure is often required before you can receive dental implants or other treatments to replace your missing teeth. We invite you to call Stadium Dental at 269-983-5583 to schedule an appointment with our dentist and learn if bone grafting in St. Joseph, Michigan, is right for you.

Bone Grafting

The utilization of bone grafts in dental procedures serves a crucial purpose and offers numerous benefits. For this, we use an allograft with specific ratios of deminieralized and mineralized freeze-dried bone material in areas where the jawbone has experienced a reduction in density or volume. The primary objective of this procedure is to promote bone regeneration and create a sturdy foundation for dental implants. By augmenting the jawbone bone grafts facilitate the successful integration of dental implants, ensuring stability and longevity. Furthermore, bone grafts aid in restoring facial aesthetics, preventing bone resorption and enhancing overall oral health. Through this technique, patients can experience improved chewing functionality, speech and self-confidence, ultimately leading to an enhanced quality of life.

If you have any questions about bone grafting or to schedule your personal consultation with our dentist, please contact our team today.